Friday, September 14, 2012

new summer music!

Major discoveries this summer in the wonderful world of music! To be fair to all others I have heard and fallen in love with this summer, these were just the first two to come to mind!

John Mayer- Queen of California (from Born and Raised)

and....drum role please!

Dawes- A little bit of everything (from Nothing is Wrong)

I loved both of these from the first time I heard them and have been guilty of keeping both of them on repeat for days at a time!

Enjoy and Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just 3 days shy of 6 months, I decided to blog!

Oh the horror! An abandoned blog! They are infesting the Internet world wide! Let's recap the last 6 months...

I graduated from college! Yay!

I had amazing shoes for the occasion (which just so happen to be my "single again" shoes...I feel that you should buy shoes for major events/occasions in your life!) Also, my cap was legit! Complete with a 45!

And of course what would graduating be without a party! One of my favorite parties that I have ever had!

And what what would a party be without music!

I wish I could say that the rest of the summer had been crazy eventful...but that would be a lie. It has been a good one though even without traveling and crazy adventure! 

Sorry I abandoned you, poor little blog! Rachel loves you...kinda. =P